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Truck driver taken to hospital after Illinois truck accident

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Truck Accidents on Wednesday, October 2, 2013.

Road construction typically causes traffic to become congested in certain areas. When this is the case, drivers should be extra cautious as they pay attention to their surroundings. Traffic could stop or start at unpredictable intervals, and if a driver fails to be aware of his surroundings, a truck accident could occur.

Such an accident took place in Illinois when a driver failed to reduce speed to avoid a collision. According to reports, construction work was being done on a bridge which was causing a delay in traffic. A semi-truck was reportedly stopped in traffic when another truck collided with the back of the first. The driver of the first truck was taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries.

It was not reported that the second driver sustained any injuries. That driver did, however, receive a citation for failure to reduce speed in order to avoid a collision. It was not reported whether any other violations or charges will be attributed to the driver in relation to the accident.

Though the extent of the driver’s injuries was not specified, the victim taken to the hospital as a result of the truck accident could possibly face significant setbacks. He may have to miss time from work should his injuries render him unable to perform his employment duties. If that is the case, he could be at risk for lost wages and medical bills that could lead to a difficult financial situation. The injured driver may wish to file a personal injury claim against the driver deemed at fault in order to gain monetary compensation for his injuries and other damages permissible under Illinois law.

Source: kfvs12.com, Semi driver injured in I-57 crash, No author, Sept. 24, 2013