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Motorcycle accident claims life of Illinois man

On behalf of of Frederick & Hagle posted in Motorcycle Accidents on Wednesday, December 4, 2013.

The actions of other drivers can often catch some drivers off guard as they may not have been expecting another vehicle to stop, change lanes or a number of other maneuvers that can unexpectedly happen. When a vehicle makes a sudden move, another driver may not be able to react adequately enough to avoid a car or motorcycle accident. In some cases, such an accident can prove fatal.

A fatal motorcycle accident took place in Illinois after the motorcyclist collided with the back of a U-Haul trailer attached to another vehicle. Reports indicate that a third vehicle had cut off the motorcycle apparently causing the motorcyclist to be unable to avoid colliding with the second vehicle. It was unclear whether the driver of the third vehicle remained on the scene.

The motorcyclist sustained fatal injuries as a result of the collision and was declared dead. None of the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the crash were injured. An investigation into the fatal accident should continue in order to determine whether any tickets should be issued or charges filed in relation to the event.

If any driving violations are found to have contributed to the motorcycle accident, the driver deemed at fault could face serious charges due to the crash resulting in a fatality. The family of the victim has presumably been strongly affected by the loss of their loved one in the accident and could be waiting anxiously to learn who may have been at fault for the accident. They may also wish to explore their legal options and information on wrongful death claims in Illinois to understand whether they could possibly be entitled to monetary reparations for the loss of their family member and other permitted damages should they pursue a case.

Source: Fox St. Louis, Fatal motorcycle crash on I-55, Chris Smith, Dec. 1, 2013