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Crane collapse leaves 7 construction workers hurt

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Construction Workers’ Accidents on Friday, January 11, 2013.

In cities throughout the nation, such as Champaign, construction sites are a common. As is the case with these types of workplaces in general, they can be dangerous. This is particularly true when heavy equipment, such as a crane, is being used on the job site. While the use of equipment such as this is necessary in some projects, at times its use can lead to accidents. One such construction accident occurred in another state earlier this week.

The crane accident occurred at a construction site located in Queens, New York. A crane, that was being used in the construction of an apartment building, collapsed for some reason, injuring a total of seven workers. While four of the individuals hurt were deemed to have injuries considered minor, the other three were characterized as serious.

Construction workers hope that incidents like this one are few and far between. Unfortunately the owner and operator of the crane have been involved in crane accidents in the past. Several years ago another one of its cranes collapsed at a construction site located in Manhattan. That incident led to the death of two individuals working at the site.

The nature of the injuries the workers suffered in this most recent case is not known. As is commonly the case in workplace accidents that result in injuries, it is highly likely that the injured workers will seek workers’ compensation benefits. Though often difficult to obtain, once secured they are usually of great help to workers as they recover.

Source: CNN, “New York crane collapses, injures 7 construction workers,” Jason Kessler, Jan. 10, 2012