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Auto shop workplace injury sends 1 to hospital

On behalf of Jeffrey Frederick of Frederick & Hagle posted in Workplace Injuries on Tuesday, February 23, 2016.

No matter the environment of a workplace or the inherent safety protocols in place, there are no inherently risk-free places of employment. Because of this, there are also no employees in Illinois who are free from the possibility of injury while on the job. An out-of-state employee at an auto body shop was recently affected by a workplace injury when he was struck by an ambulance.

Most vehicle owners are familiar with the lift used at auto body shops that allow employees to safely work underneath a vehicle. Employees typically first drive the vehicles onto the lift before raising it up, which is what one worker was doing with the ambulance right before the accident. Apparently, the man driving the ambulance lost control when his foot slipped and fell off of the brake. He then struck the accelerator with his foot, and the ambulance accelerated forward off of the lift.

Another employee was hit by the ambulance and pinned between a workbench and the vehicle. Other workers were able to safely remove the injured worker while emergency personnel were still on their way. Although his injuries were not life threatening, they were still serious and required treatment at an area hospital. Since an interior wall was also hit in the accident, the local fire department performed a structural evaluation to ensure the continued safety of other workers.

A workplace injury does not have to be life threatening in order to adversely affect a person’s life and well-being. Even seemingly minor injuries can lead to a lifetime of medical complications and necessary health care. When Illinois workers are wrongly injured at work, they can address these and other needs through the benefits provided through the workers’ compensation system.

Source: nj.com, “Auto body shop worker injured after ambulance flies off lift, cops say“, Alex Napoliello, Feb. 16, 2016

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