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Here is what the Insurance Companies Don’t WANT YOU to Know!

Have you been the victim in a personal injury accident and are now looking at negotiating with the insurance company involved to attempt to secure compensation? If so, you should take a moment and seriously consider hiring professional help. The fact of the matter is that insurance companies will exhaust any and all possible angles to reduce the amount of money they have to pay you. In order to understand exactly why this is the case, and why legal counsel is your best option, let’s take a look at a few of the more pertinent and less obvious reasons that insurance companies have for avoiding settling with victims.

Revenue Source

First of all, don’t make the mistake of believing that your premium is the main way that insurance companies make their income. In reality, they earn the vast majority of their money through investment. That means that they have large sums of money held up in different investment options and earn more the longer they have it in place. Additionally, interest payments can different greatly depending upon the amount of money in question – in general, you earn more money in interest the more money you have invested.

This is one of the main reasons that insurance companies fight notoriously hard to avoid paying victims compensation. When they part with large sums of money, they lose their main income source. In fact, they stand to lose far more than they pay out. If they lose a particularly large sum of money, for example, market prices could be negatively affected. This could impact their investments, not to mention the fact that they suddenly have a much smaller amount of money upon which to earn interest.

Attorneys Can Help

Most insurance companies are far more likely to settle with victims who have hired legal aid. Note that for this reason, they will go to great lengths to discourage you from hiring an attorney. The reason for this is simple: as explored above, insurance companies stand to lose big time if they pay out large settlements. Attorneys are better able to secure those large settlements because they understand exactly how the insurance company works and can better anticipate their manipulative tactics than other individuals can.

Delay and Deny

Remember the section above where we learned that insurance companies make most of their money from investments and the interest they earn from them? Well, welcome to yet another reason to hire an attorney. Insurance companies will go out of their way to delay paying a settlement, and that’s especially true if the case in question is likely to win. They have more to lose than you do and will therefore expend a lot of effort to delay the payment as long as possible in order to continue to earn interest on the money in question for as long as they can. Additionally, they often flatly deny claims that have a great chance of winning in court because it forces victims to seek legal aid. This takes them more time and effort, allowing the insurance company to keep the sum in question a little bit longer.

Hiring an attorney from the get-go, of course, is a great way to avoid this game as much as possible.

You’re on Candid Camera

Maybe you’re not convinced that an attorney is necessary. The adjustor you’re speaking with seems very nice, after all, and they’re happy to take a lot of time out of their day to discuss the problems you’re experiencing in detail. That must mean that they truly understand how much you need the compensation in question in order to recover, right?

Well, no, as it turns out. In fact, adjusters are trained to record absolutely everything you say and do during negotiations so that they have more material to work with when it comes to discrediting you and lowering the amount of money they have to pay out. Do not forget that you are being recorded and that everything you say and do will be used against you. This is the main reason attorneys will instruct you not to speak with an adjuster until you’ve met with them.

Be Suspicious of Quick Claims

Everything we’ve discussed until now has talked about just how advantageous it is for insurance companies to deny your claims and drag out the process. If your insurance company is all too eager to settle, then, you should take some time and think about why. Why would they be willing to give you money right away when they could force you to go to court and make money in the meantime?

If you have a particularly great claim and they could stand to lose a lot more than they’re offering you if they go to court, you might be surprised at just how quickly they settle.

Insurance companies aren’t interested in what is best for you. They don’t care about your needs or your injuries. Their focus is on making and keeping money. For that reason, you should reach out to experienced personal injury attorneys for help immediately if you are facing a personal injury claim. The lawyers at Frederick and Hagle can help. Call 217-367-6092 today for a Free Consultation.

Auto Accidents and Private Property: Who is at Fault?

Automobile accidents are incredibly serious issues that can have catastrophic consequences. This is as true of accidents that occur on private property as it is of accidents that occur on a public thoroughfare. That is not to say that the two don’t have any differences at all, of course. Determining who is responsible for the accident can be more difficult with accidents that occur on private property. It is important that you understand your rights during this difficult time and are able to determine who is liable for the accident.

Who is at-fault?

When someone drives or otherwise behaves negligently and leads to the damage of person or property, they might be held liable for the victim’s losses. This does not change when the accident takes place on private property. Note that this can encompass situations where the accident was not caused by another individual physically striking your vehicle. If a privately-owned parking lot fails to mark blind spots or to ensure that the proper number of “no stop” or “yield” signs are in place, for example, then they very well might be found liable for accidents that occur in the lot.

Depending upon the property owner in question, you might find that gathering information about your accident, including camera footage, if available, that shows you were not at fault, to be quite difficult. A property owner who has an active stake in ensuring that you (and not they) are found to be liable for your own damages, for example, is less likely to willingly help you prove that the accident was not your fault. That is where an experienced attorney familiar with the laws governing auto accidents and private property comes in handy.

Auto accidents can happen to anyone. Even the most cautious of drivers can find themselves caught off-guard and put into a bad situation. If you have been the victim of an automobile accident on private property, the attorneys at Frederick and Hagle can help. Our experienced legal experts understand how to determine who is at fault for accidents as well as how best to ensure you receive proper compensation.

Reach out to us today at 217-367-6092 for more information!


At some time in our lives, we will experience the powerful effects of Murphy’s Law when driving a motor vehicle.

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

Auto accidents range from less serious fender benders to full blown crashes that leave one or more people with severe injuries. The personal injury attorneys a Frederick & Hagle want to explain how to mitigate the negative impact of Murphy’s law by helping you understand what happens after car accidents in Illinois.

What To Do After You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident in Illinois?

Remaining at the scene of an auto accident is your first priority. Illinois state law makes it a crime for a driver to leave a car crash scene, regardless if the driver was considered to be at fault. Leaving a vehicle accident scene will make you appear to be guilty and hence, make it more likely that you will face civil liability litigation. After stopping your car, what you do next after an accident in Illinois determines whether you file a persuasive insurance claim.

Contact Law Enforcement

A formal police report is the most important document you attach to an insurance claim. The report will include physical evidence such as photographs of the accident scene, as well as anecdotal evidence in the form of witness accounts of the crash. If you contact the nearest police station and the responding officer declines to send law enforcement personnel to the scene, then it will be your responsibility to collect evidence and obtain the contract information from the other driver(s).

Evidence and Information

Photographs of the accident scene is a good start, but you should gather more physical evidence by saving images to your Smartphone of the road and weather conditions at the time of the accident. Pics of the damage to your vehicle should expedite the claim process. Interview witnesses right after the crash to preserve the fresh accounts the witnesses had of the incident. Contact information to obtain from the other driver(s) include name, address, and telephone number. You also need the name of the insurer and the number of the auto insurance policy.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you do not feel any lingering pain, it is still a good idea to see your physician to chronicle any physical injuries. Some types of injuries such as migraine headaches appear days, it not weeks after a car accident. If you received one or more serious injuries, you should seek immediate medical help at the nearest healthcare facility. Make copies of every medical bill and record for attaching to your auto insurance claim.

How Illinois Assigns Fault in Car Accident Cases

Illinois uses what is called a tort system for determining which party must compensate the other motorists involved in an auto accident. The tort system means the insurance company of the motorist found at fault is legally liable for paying claims. It also means that you have the right to file a civil lawsuit to seek addition compensation for the pain and suffering caused by physical and/or emotional distress symptoms. The tort system in Illinois for auto accidents operates on the comparative negligence principle, which means motorists receive damages that represent the percentage of fault assigned to every driver involved in a car crash.

Here is an example:

You are involved in a car crash, which eventually leads to assignment of 60% fault to the other driver. Under the Illinois tort system for assigning fault, the other driver is on the legal hook to cover 60% of all monetary damages. The other driver or the insurance company representing the driver have the option to pay you directly for monetary damages.

Three Common Actions after Car Accidents in Illinois

What action can you take after a car accident in Illinois? First, you can file a claim with your insurance company. This method for receiving monetary damages assumes your insurer will handle the reimbursement by interacting with the party involved in the auto accident. Second, filing a claim with the other motorist’s insurance carrier represent a viable option. However, this method for receiving compensation typically takes longer than going through your insurance company. Finally, you have the right in Illinois to file a civil lawsuit, which is a valid option if your attorney believes the other insurance company treated you unfairly and/or if your attorney feels the monetary damages offered by the other insurer falls short of what you deserve.

Illinois and Auto Insurance Requirements

Every state mandates different car insurance coverage requirements. Here is what Illinois law says you must have for minimum auto insurance coverage:

  • Property damage of $15,000
  • Personal injury and/or fatality of $20,000
  • Personal injuries and/or fatalities of multiple people of $40,000

Illinois Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage (UIM) in Illinois protects motorists against the monetary damages caused by a negligent and uninsured driver. You must carry UIM coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

Her is how IUM insurance can kick in after a car accident:

  • Hit and run incident
  • Struck while walking
  • Anyone riding in a vehicle you drive, but do not own
  • You are drove a vehicle or rode in a vehicle named in your auto insurance policy
  • A relative rode in or drove a vehicle named in your policy
  • A driver and/or passenger(s) of your insured vehicle that had your permission to be in the vehicle

In Illinois, car insurance laws are complex, which means you should consult with an Illinois licensed personal injury attorney. You also have to deal with complicated auto insurance language. At Frederick & Hagle, we do much more than help clients receive just compensation for the injuries caused by an auto accident. We also ensure the claim you file with any insurance company includes convincing evidence and the claim is filed in a timely manner.

To receive the compensation you deserve after a car accident in Illinois, contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at Frederick & Hagle. You can reach our law firm by calling (800) 642-1277 or by submitting the online Contact form.


It can start as a dull pain and morph into a medical condition that requires intensive medical intervention. On the other hand, carpel tunnel syndrome can come out of nowhere to cause excruciating pain that at times can require immediate surgery.

What happens is the median nerve passing into the hand becomes painfully compressed. The median nerve generates the touch sensation for the thumb, long finger, index finger, and a section of the ring finger. Swelling that produces the compression of the median nerve of the hand can lead to a number of symptoms.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

One of the common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is one or both of your hands “fall asleep.” Although the “fall asleep” condition is a temporary phase that typically affects the arms and legs, when it becomes one or both of your hands, then the numbness is probably the result of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Here are the other symptoms of the medical condition:

  • Tingling of the hand
  • Intense pain in the thumb and the largest three fingers
  • Burning sensation that moves up one or both arms
  • Nighttime wrist pain that disrupts sleep
  • Hand muscle weakness

How is Carpal Tunnel Treated?

You can treat mild carpal tunnel syndrome on your own by stopping the activity that causes the symptoms. A splint stabilizing the hand can reduce the nerve pressure causing the compression along the wrist. In many cases, your physician should examine the extent of the condition to determine the best course of medical action.

Doctors implement two strategies for treating mild to severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Medication is prescribed to mitigate the painful symptoms, such as swelling and inflammation. Your physician might recommend surgery that requires cutting the ligament touching the affected median nerve. However, surgery comes with risks, including scarring, infection, and/or nerve damage.

If you contracted carpal tunnel syndrome at work, you might be eligible to recover monetary damages to cover lost wages and medical bills.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Injuries Caused by Work

Carpal tunnel syndrome impacts one out of every 20 American workers. According to the United States Department of Labor, the medical condition is the number one reason why American employees miss work. Carpal tunnel is most often connected to repetitive on the job functions, such as typing, screwing nails, packaging materials, and lifting heavy objects into a truck.

Here are the industries with the highest incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Administration
  • Apparel manufacturing
  • Food processing
  • Textile
  • Fabric finishing
  • Animal slaughtering

If you are employed in any of the listed industries, it is essential to take frequent breaks to avoid suffering from a repetitive motion injury. Otherwise, you might place enough pressure on the median nerve to set the pain train rolling. Consult with a doctor first, before seeking legal help from an Illinois licensed workers’ compensation attorney.

Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Although you cannot sue your employer for contracting carpal tunnel syndrome, you might have a valid claim for receiving compensation from the Illinois workers’ compensation program. The process for seeking financial relief from the Illinois workers’ compensation program differs greatly than the process for seeking monetary damages from a civil court.

Companies are responsible for funding workers’ compensation insurance. You do not have to prove your company acted negligently, just that your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are directly related to your job functions. It might seem like a straightforward legal process, but many companies like to derail claims by implementing different tactics.

Speak with an Illinois licensed personal injury lawyer to level the legal playing field between you and your employer when it comes to proving carpal tunnel symptoms on the job,

What Determines the Value of a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim?

How much Illinois workers’ compensation pays out for a claim depends on several cost factors.

  • Number of doctor visits
  • Prescriptions
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Surgery
  • Supportive medical devices

Sometimes, carpel tunnel cases can be severe enough to warrant payment for a permanent disability claim. Such a claim also requires the legal counsel of an accomplished personal injury lawyer.

Two Illinois carpal tunnel syndrome lawsuits since 2010 have ended in settlements for the plaintiffs that exceeded $1 million. Both plaintiffs worked closely with highly rated personal injury attorneys to present their claims.

Take the same road taken by the winning plaintiffs by scheduling a free initial consultation today with our team of personal injury attorneys. You have nothing to lose; you’ll pay nothing out of pocket for our services. If we don’t get you compensation, we don’t get paid.

Frederick & Hagle serves people throughout Central Illinois, including Champaign-Urbana, Kankakee, Danville, Decatur, and Mattoon, Champaign County, Vermillion County, Macon County, Kankakee County, and Coles County.


The pain starts as a dull sensation that slowly grows into a throbbing pain inhibiting your performance at work. What causes the pain depends on your professional vocation.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition that develops because of the pressure placed on the median nerve running through one or both wrists. Repetitive motions of the wrist can trigger carpal tunnel symptoms that range from the dull sensation we mentioned to excruciating pain that requires surgery.

Workers living in Illinois have the right to recover money for carpal tunnel injuries that happen on the job. Because of the aggressive way many employers fight against carpal tunnel claims, it is highly recommended that anyone suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome contact an Illinois licensed personal injury attorney. The personal injury lawyers at Frederick and Hagle have decades of experienced litigating cases involving on the job injuries.

Possible Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

With each passing year, the list of what causes carpal tunnel syndrome gets longer. Although an individual can contract carpal tunnel because of arthritis, diabetes, or from being pregnant, the injury is typically suffered by someone in a professional capacity or by someone who participates in a recreational activity

Here are a few ways repetitive motion can trigger carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Operating a computer mouse
  • Typing
  • Playing tennis
  • Swinging a golf club
  • Turning screwdrivers
  • Placing heavy objects on shelves
  • Packing materials
  • Hammering nails

When the highly rated personal injury attorneys at Frederick & Hagle sit down for an initial consultation with a client, we ask the right questions to determine what caused the client’s carpal tunnel syndrome. The key is to prove the injury was caused because the repetitive motions performed at work.

Are You Eligible to Sue for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The short answer is no, but the long answer is to ensure our clients they have the right in Illinois to file a workers’ compensation claim. Filing a workers’ compensation claim is a much different legal process than the legal process that unfolds during civil lawsuits.

Your employer must pay for workers’ compensation insurance, which covers the costs associated with workplace injuries. Workers’ compensation pays out regardless of who is at fault. The tough part is proving you contracted carpal tunnel syndrome on the job. You do not have to prove your employer was negligent; you have to prove you suffer from carpal tunnel symptoms because of one or more work-related activities.

Although on the surface it appears relatively simple to file a workers’ compensation claim, the fact remains many companies fight workers’ compensation claims to avoid paying more for the insurance. Your employer might claim you are an independent contractor and thus, do not qualify for workers’ compensation. Another common way employers try to deny paying for workers’ compensation claims involves saying the injury you suffer from was caused by recklessness. This is an especially effective legal argument if your employer put you through training on how to prevent an injury caused by repetitive motions.

The Potential Value of a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim

At Frederick & Hagle, we make sure our clients receive just compensation from workers’ compensation claims that result from carpal tunnel injuries. The value of your just compensation depends on several factors.

First, we calculate your direct expenses, with medical costs by far representing the biggest expense. By medical costs, we mean everything from receiving a proper diagnosis to undergoing therapy to reduce the pain. Medical costs also include the cost of surgery and the use of a medical device to prevent a repetitive motion injury.

The second most significant expense related to a carpal tunnel injury are the wages lost because of the inability to perform job tasks. You might have to work fewer hours or you might have to miss work for an extended period. Illinois law refers to the compensation awarded for missed time at work as temporary disability benefits. It is important to file for temporary disability benefits as soon as possible to ensure you receive the full amount of money that you deserve.

Finally, if the carpal tunnel injury becomes severe enough to disable you permanently, Illinois law grants workers the right to file a workers’ compensation claim seeking just compensation for the permanent disability.

Get the Just Compensation You Deserve

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cost you thousands of dollars in lost wages and medical expenses. Since 1975, the personal injury lawyers at Frederick & Hagle have successfully litigated for clients that were hurt on the job. Although carpal tunnel syndrome is a relatively recent medical condition that qualifies for workers’ compensation claims, our team of accomplished personal injury attorneys have earned the reputation for being experts in handling cases involving the repetitive motion medical condition.

Schedule a free initial consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers by calling us at (800) 642-1227 or (217) 367-6092. You can also contact us by sending our law office the convenient online form.


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It can start as a dull pain and morph into a medical condition that requires intensive medical intervention. On the other hand, carpal tunnel syndrome can come out of nowhere to cause excruciating pain that at times, can require immediate surgery.

What happens is the median nerve passing into the hand becomes painfully compressed. The median nerve generates the touch sensation for the thumb, long finger, index finger, and a section of the ring finger. Swelling that produces the compression of the median nerve of the hand can lead to several symptoms.

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

One of the common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is one or both of your hands “fall asleep.” Although the “fall asleep” condition is a temporary phase that typically affects the arms and legs, when it becomes one or both of your hands, then the numbness is probably the result of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Here are the other symptoms of the medical condition:

•    Tingling of the hand

•    Intense pain in the thumb and the largest three fingers

•    A burning sensation that moves up one or both arms

•    Nighttime wrist pain that disrupts sleep

•    Hand muscle weakness

How is Carpal Tunnel Treated?

You can treat mild carpal tunnel syndrome on your own by stopping the activity that causes the symptoms. A splint stabilizing the hand can reduce the nerve pressure causing the compression along the wrist. In many cases, your physician should examine the extent of the condition to determine the best course of medical action.

Doctors implement two strategies for treating mild to severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Medication is prescribed to mitigate the painful symptoms, such as swelling and inflammation. Your physician might recommend surgery that requires cutting the ligament touching the affected median nerve. However, surgery comes with risks, including scarring, infection, and/or nerve damage.

If you contracted carpal tunnel syndrome at work, you might be eligible to recover monetary damages to cover lost wages and medical bills.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Injuries Caused by Work

Carpal tunnel syndrome impacts one out of every 20 American workers. According to the United States Department of Labor, the medical condition is the number one reason why American employees miss work. Carpal tunnel is most often connected to repetitive on the job functions, such as typing, screwing nails, packaging materials, and lifting heavy objects into a truck.

Here are the industries with the highest incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome:

•    Administration

•    Apparel manufacturing

•    Food processing

•    Textile

•    Fabric finishing

•    Animal slaughtering

If you are employed in any of the listed industries, it is essential to take frequent breaks to avoid suffering from a repetitive motion injury. Otherwise, you might place enough pressure on the median nerve to set the pain train rolling. Consult with a doctor first, before seeking legal help from an Illinois licensed workers’ compensation attorney.

Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Although you cannot sue your employer for contracting carpal tunnel syndrome, you might have a valid claim for receiving compensation from the Illinois workers’ compensation program. The process for seeking financial relief from the Illinois workers’ compensation program differs significantly than the process for seeking monetary damages from a civil court.

Companies are responsible for funding workers’ compensation insurance. You do not have to prove your company acted negligently, just that your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are directly related to your job functions. It might seem like a straightforward legal process, but many companies like to derail claims by implementing different tactics.

Speak with an Illinois licensed personal injury lawyer to level the legal playing field between you and your employer when it comes to proving carpal tunnel symptoms on the job,

What Determines the Value of a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Claim?

How much Illinois workers’compensation pays out for a claim depends on several cost factors.

•    Number of doctor visits

•    Prescriptions

•    Rehabilitation

•    Lost wages

•    Surgery

•    Supportive medical devices

Sometimes, carpel tunnel cases can be severe enough to warrant payment for a permanent disability claim. Such a claim also requires the legal counsel of an accomplished personal injury lawyer.

Two Illinois carpal tunnel syndrome lawsuits since 2010 have ended in settlements for the plaintiffs that exceeded $1 million. Both plaintiffs worked closely with highly rated personal injury attorneys to present their claims.

Take the same road taken by the winning plaintiffs by scheduling a free initial consultation today with our team of personal injury attorneys. You have nothing to lose; you’ll pay nothing out of pocket for our services. If we don’t get you compensation, we don’t get paid.

Frederick & Hagle serves people throughout Central Illinois, including Champaign-Urbana, Kankakee, Danville, Decatur, and Mattoon, Champaign County, Vermillion County, Macon County, Kankakee County, and Coles County.

How much is my case worth?

A common question we hear when talking to clients is, “how much is my case worth?”  But if you are hurt on the job in Illinois you are going to hear terms like PPD or “percentage loss of use,” and they can be confusing.  Hopefully, we can clear that up a bit.

Almost every Illinois work injury has some settlement value.  When you are done with your medical care is when it’s time to start thinking about a settlement which, if you aren’t permanently disabled or in a situation where you have a significant wage loss, is called PPD or permanent partial disability.

In plain English, PPD is compensation for how your injury is likely to affect you in the future.  You get compensated for the diminished nature of whatever body part was injured.  It’s a myth.  If you break your hand, usually it will grow back stronger so in theory there is no PPD.  In reality though if you hurt your hand at work you will be entitled to some settlement or if the insurance company won’t pay, an award from an Arbitrator after a short hearing.

So how do you figure out what your case is worth?

First, we need to know your average weekly wage. To determine your PPD rate for settlement, we take your average weekly salary (gross not net) and multiply it by 60%.  If you grossed $1,000 a week, your PPD rate would be $600.  There is a cap on this amount.  The highest PPD rate you could have if you were injured today is $790.64.  So for anyone making $68,522.13 a year or more, $790.64 would be your PPD rate.

The second thing we need to know is what body part is hurt.

The third thing to know is what percentage loss of use did you sustain to that body part.  This is determined mostly by looking at your medical records, the treatment you have had, any restrictions you might have, need for future treatment and what complaints you currently have.  As lawyers, we would compare what you are going through to other cases that have been decided at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.

We then take your PPD rate and multiply it by the number of weeks associated with your injured body part. The table below is the maximum value for any body part.

Part of Body And Maximum Number of Weeks Paid

Man as a whole (neck, back) 500

Hand 205

Thumb 76

Index finger 43

Middle finger 38

Ring finger 27

Pinky finger 22

Arm 253

Arm amputated above elbow 270

Arm amputated at shoulder joint 323

Foot 167

Big Toe 38

Any non-big toe 13

Leg 215

Leg amputated above knee 242

Leg amputated at hip joint 296

Loss of sight in one eye 162

Loss of one eye 173

Hearing loss in one ear due to occupational disease 100

Hearing loss in one ear due to accident or trauma 54

Loss of hearing in both ears 215

Kidney, spleen, or lung removal 10

Loss of one testicle 54

Loss of both testicles 162

If you tore your ACL and were determined to have a 40% loss of the leg.  40% of 215 (see the chart, a leg is worth up to 215 weeks) is 86.  So if you were making $1,000 a week, your PPD rate would be $600.  $600 x 86 means the case would be worth $51,600.00

If you lost 100% sight in one eye and you were making $1000/week before the injury, you would multiply $600 (60% of your average weekly income) times 162 which would net a permanent benefit of $162,000. This number, of course, would change if losing your vision made you permanently disabled or caused a significant wage loss.

If you were disfigured due to your on the job injury, like a scar on your face, the parties involved would need to agree on a number of weeks of compensation that injury is worth and then apply the same amount of weeks to 60% of your average income, with a maximum of 162 weeks.

Does this seem confusing?  It can be, but hopefully, this clears things up a bit.

Bonus tip.  Beware insurance companies who try to base what your injury is worth solely off an AMA rating.  It would significantly undervalue what your case is worth.

And of course, if you have any questions or concerns, you can call us any time at 217-367-6092 for a free consultation.

Truck Accident Statistics in Illinois

Over the past several years, The Weather Channel has expanded its programming options to present reality shows that demonstrate the awesome power of Mother Nature. One such show is called Highway Thru Hell, which chronicles how a commercial towing company handles the vehicle crashes caused by the slick road conditions present in Canadian mountain passes. What is interesting about the show is how seemingly countless 18-wheeler’s find their way into deep, snow covered ravines.

The more alarming fact about truck accidents is that many of the crashes result in severe injuries and unfortunately, an alarming number of fatalities. Millions of delivery trucks ranging from the trucks owned by UPS to the BP monsters hauling fuel cross the United States have to meet extremely tight delivery deadlines. The rush to get to a destination on time places both truck drivers and operators of other types of vehicles at a high risk of truck accidents.

In fact, the prevalence of truck accidents has prompted many trucking companies to assemble an in house team of attorneys to counteract the legal actions taken by personal injury lawyers.

Truck Accident Statistics in Illinois

With Chicago as one of the major commercial transportation hubs and destinations in the United States, it is not surprising to learn Illinois ranks high in the number of accidents involving commercial trucks. In 2014, which is the latest year for which statistics were released, the Illinois Department of Transportation made public a report that listed the following statistics.

Semi trailer trucks were responsible for more than 11,000 accidents, which accounted for more than 10% of all fatal vehicle crashes. Ninety-five people lost their lives because of truck accidents, leaving 1,902 motorists and pedestrians injured. The Illinois truck accident statistics released in 2014 confirmed a trend that should make the owners of other types of vehicles think twice about passing a big rig or even saddling up to the side of an 18-wheeler.

Primary Causes of Truck Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has reviewed more than 120,000 accidents involving at least one truck and the federal agency has come up with one compelling statistic.

Driver negligence causes about 87% of all truck accidents. What are some of the reasons causing truck driver negligence?

  • Distractions
  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Making bad decisions
  • Drug and/or alcohol use
  • Jackknifing
  • Not familiar with area

The FMCSA discovered 10% of truck crashes involved some type of vehicle defect and the remaining three percent of truck accidents were directly related to poor road conditions.

Another reason plays a role in truck accidents that occur in greater Chicagoland. Six federally sanctioned interstates cross through the heart of The Windy City. Whether you commute every day on the Kennedy Expressway or leave for a weekend in the country by taking Interstate 55, chances are you will encounter numerous commercial trucks on the road.

Types of Truck Accidents

According to the FMCSA, four types of truck accidents encompass more than half of all crashes involving a semi and at least one other vehicle.


Several different scenarios can cause rollover accidents. Rollovers can happen because a truck driver tries to avoid contact with another vehicle or hit another vehicle and then the truck ends up on its side or worse, rolling over more than one time. Driving too fast for the conditions and not applying enough brake pressure on steep inclines cause the majority of truck rollover accidents.


When truck’s axel brakes suddenly lock, the trailer can skid for dozens of yards, depending on the speed of the vehicle. The trailer can stop only if the driver angles the trailer to be 90 degrees with the cab. During the time a truck jackknifes, the driver loses complete control of the truck and typically a rollover unfolds.

Under Ride

As one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents, an under ride appears similar to a rear end collision. However, an under ride collision involves a smaller vehicle hitting the back of a truck at the point where the smaller vehicle makes impact at the top of the vehicle. The reason for the dangerous nature of an under ride is the possibility of the driver of the smaller vehicle receiving life threatening head injuries.

Rear End

Trucks carry considerable weight, which makes stopping the vehicle difficult to perform over short distances. The most common type of truck accidents can be either the fault of the truck driver or the driver of the other vehicle for not maintaining the proper distance for applying the brakes. Trucks weighing 8,000 pounds and moving at 60 miles per hour need 426 feet to stop.

Here are a few other types of truck crashes:

  • Road construction
  • Brake failure
  • Improper braking technique 
  • Blind spot
  • No zone accidents 
  • Turns taken too wide

Serious Injuries Caused by Truck Accidents

Weighing several tons and applying incredible force at high speeds, semi tractor trailers and even the smaller trucks driven by delivery companies can cause significant injuries. Many of the following injuries requires months, if not years of physical therapy to overcome.

  • Whiplash
  • Fractures
  • Brain swelling
  • Herniated discs
  • Internal organ damage
  • Joint contusions

If you suffer from one or more injuries caused by a truck accident, you should work with a highly rated team of personal injury lawyers to ensure you receive the monetary damages you deserve for long term physical and emotional harm. A majority of truck accidents in Illinois take place on the roads and highways covering the Chicago metro area. Each of the personal injury lawyers at our firm has amassed years of experience representing clients that have undergone the ordeal of a life changing truck crash.

Proving Negligence is the Key

As legal experts that often prosecute truck accidents causing personal injuries and fatalities, our team of attorneys understands how to get to the bottom of a personal injury case. We thoroughly investigate every truck crash incident to determine liability. Our strategy typically involves establishing whether a truck driver violated one or more state and federal regulations.

Here are some of the tools we use to ensure trucking companies have followed state and federal regulations:

  • Review time log books
  • Determine level of truck maintenance
  • Drug and alcohol tests
  • Confirm adequate insurance coverage
  • Examine truck safety markings
  • Weight restriction compliance
  • Adherence with loading procedures
  • Fulfilled safety inspection requirements

When our team of accomplished personal injury attorneys files a lawsuit against a trucking company, we have to present evidence that proves the truck driver in question caused an accident. Referred to as negligence, the key to helping you seek justice for the physical pain and emotional duress caused by a truck accident involves proving reckless conduct by the driver and/or trucking company.

Hire a Highly Rated Personal Injury Lawyer

Many of our clients feel acute anxiety after dealing with truck accidents. However, you cannot afford to wait for the stress to diminish. You should contact one of the accomplished personal injury lawyers at our law firm to seek swift justice for the negligence that caused the truck crash.

Call our office at 217-367-6092 or complete the convenient online form today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Who is responsible for paying medical bills after a traffic accident?

Have you been injured in a traffic accident in the state of Illinois? If so, you might find yourself wondering exactly who is responsible for the resulting medical bills. Let’s take a look at what to expect below, and don’t forget that you can reach out to the professionals at Frederick & Hagle for a free consult at 800.642.1227!
Common Misconceptions
First of all, it’s important to understand up front that the responsible party’s insurance company won’t pay for your medical expenses until after your case has been settled. We know that’s not what you want to hear right now, especially if you’re also dealing with lost wages on top of steep medical bills. You need to keep this information in mind, however, so that you understand that your medical expenses will likely be sent to collections if you tell the medical professional in question to “bill” the responsible party’s insurance. You’ll most likely have to pay up front and seek reimbursement after the fact.
With that said, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean insurance won’t cover your bills at all. It just means that you’ll have to pay them before your case is settled and take reimbursement out of the compensation secured on your behalf by an experienced attorney.
Check in with Your Health Insurance
When you go in for medical treatment, make sure to tell the provider that they should bill your health insurance agency. Many of the larger agencies will have special rates with certain facilities, so they’ll end up paying less than you might. Note that you might still be responsible for things like deductibles or the like require upfront payments. Additionally, your health insurance will likely expect their reimbursement to come from any compensation you receive from your injury case.
Many car insurance policies contain a clause with medical payment coverage, also known as medpay. If it is present in your insurance policy, then you’ll likely have a set amount of money they will pay out of pocket. Once they meet that threshold, you’ll have to look elsewhere for expense coverage. This can be a great option to look into before worrying about other payment methods; however, you should keep in mind that this clause is optional. It might not be a solution for you, but it doesn’t hurt to check with your insurance company.
Another option to consider – or one that might be utilized whether you’re aware or not – is that of a “lien.” A lien is put in place to ensure that once you recover compensation, you pay off your medical bills. Some medical establishments will file for a lien on their own and others will enter into that agreement with you in exchange for providing treatment without billing you until your lawsuit has been settled.
For more information about your specific case, reach out to the skilled attorneys at Frederick & Hagle today!

How to Handle an FCE

Workers’ compensation claims are notoriously complex to settle fairly. It’s really no surprise, then, that almost anything related to them is seen in a rather negative light. Functional capacity evaluations (FCEs), for example, are often viewed with much mistrust on the part of patients completing them. And while that’s understandable, it’s important to note that there’s nothing inherently bad about the process. Infact, FCEs can work to prove your claim and help you receive the compensation and work restrictions necessary for your health.

What is an FCE?

An FCE is a type of test where patients demonstrate their capacity to do various tasks related to their daily lives and their work lives. It is designed to simulate activities that they might run into in their workplace or during the course of their work day in order to assess how well they can reasonably be expected to perform them. If the patient works as a construction worker, for example, but was injured while working and can no longer use their hands effectively for manual labor, an FCEto determine their exact capacity might be ordered.

These exams are generally overseen by a neutral physician or healthcare specialist who has specific activities they’ll ask patients to complete.

Why do I need an FCE?

If you’ve been injured at work and are in the midst of a workers’ compensation suit, you might wonder why you’re being asked to undergo an FCE in the first place. Keep in mind that,depending upon the injuries in question, the stakes for both you and the business in question could be pretty large. Even specialists might not be able to give a definitive answer about how your injuries would impact you at work, especially if they aren’t familiar with the industry. An FCE, then, is conducted to allow a professional to assess how the injuries you’ve received will impact your ability to do your job.

In addition to the above, keep in mind that an FCE is often highly valued in workers’ compensation cases because they are used by the people hearing or reviewing your claim to determine what accommodations or compensation you should be awarded.

How should I approach an FCE?

Your first instinct might be to try and appear as injured as possible during the examination, but this is not a good option for the long haul. If the exam administrator notices that you’re purposefully not giving your all, they will make note of that in the report and it could significantly negatively impact your case. At the same time, you shouldn’t strain yourself and overexert yourself during the exam. Just give your best effort without straining your ability – that’s all anyone expects.

If you’re facing a workers’compensation claim, it’s important to have experienced attorneys on your side.The professionals at Frederick & Hagle can help! Reach out to us today for a free consultation to see what we think about your case and how we can help.